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Remstats was written by Thomas Erskine at the CRC in Canada and now looking for work.

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Collectors Data Format

All the collectors produce data on stdout in the same standard form:

	host timestamp variable value

If the variable is for something like network interfaces, where the host can have several of them, the data will look like:

	host timestamp variable:instance value

Having all the collectors using a standard form permits a single updating program, updater, to process the data from them all, and also means that I can write a new collector without needing to change the updater.

Remstats supplied collectors

The usual invocation of a collector (via run-remstats) is:

	xxx-collector | updater xxx

How to write your own collector

There are a few requirements:

  1. it must write its results to stdout in standard form (see the top of this file.)
  2. it must be placed in the same directory with the rest of the collectors, and must be called XXX-collector, replacing "XXX" with whatever it's collecting.
  3. it must take (or at least ignore), the same arguments that the other collectors do, specificly, the -f, -u and -F flags, and the -G and -H flags, if I ever get around to implementing them (see todo).
  4. you must add it to the list of collectors (the collectors line in the general config-file ).
  5. you must define rrd(s) specifying "source XXX" to use the data from this collector.
  6. you must add "rrd YYY" to the appropriate host config-files.

There is a supplied file supplied with the distribution, which does everything except collect data. You should be able to plug your code into its collect_host routine and have a collector, if you don't mind writing in perl.

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Last updated Fri May 30 13:50:44 PDT 2003 by <>.