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Remstats was written by Thomas Erskine at the CRC in Canada and now looking for work.

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the pages config-file

This file specifies the pages to be generated by page-writer and requires knowledge of it. It is processed sequentially from the beginning. Each line has one directive. The directives are taken from the tags processed by page-writer:

  • var VARNAME VALUE - this creates a variable called VARNAME and gives it the value VALUE
  • var::config VARNAME CONFIGVALUE ... - this creates a variable from the values in the configuration hash. In theory, any value can be obtained, but in practice two levels seems to be sufficient.
  • page TEMPLATENAME FILENAME - This causes the generation of a web-page using the TEMPLATENAME template from the page-templates config-dir which will be stored in the file FILENAME
  • chdir DIRNAME - Changes to the directory DIRNAME, creating it if necessary.

Blank lines and lines beginning with a # are treated as comments and ignored.

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Last updated Fri May 30 13:50:48 PDT 2003 by <>.