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Remstats was written by Thomas Erskine at the CRC in Canada and now looking for work.

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Configuration - Times

The times file specifies time intervals for which graphs will be made. I suppose it should be renamed graphtimes or something, but I've got other things to do. Each line is in three pieces: a time name, a start time and and end time. The times are relative to the current time and so will always be non-positive.

The currently defined times are:

	thumb           -60*60*2 0
	day             -60*60*24 0
	week            -60*60*24*7 0
	month           -60*60*24*30 0
	3month          -60*60*24*30*3 0
	year            -60*60*24*365 0
	yesterday       -60*60*24*2 -60*60*24
	lastweek        -60*60*24*7*2 -60*60*24*7


The times thumb and day are special. The graph-writer expects them to exist and to have certain meanings. The thumb time is a short interval which is used to make the ping thumbnail graphs for the ping index. The day time is the default time interval. The higher-level pages will use the day graph as a link to the other time intervals.

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Last updated Fri May 30 13:50:49 PDT 2003 by <>.