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Remstats was written by Thomas Erskine at the CRC in Canada and now looking for work.

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To-Do List for Remstats (complete)

x) [DONE] log alerts

x) [DONE] an interpreter like rrdcgi which has a description of a page with OID-inserting magic cookies to do status reports (snmppage)

- called datapage and dataimage as it's not only SNMP

x) [DONE] check effect on graph-creation time of long high-res retention

- graph-creation increase is linear with additional rows

x) [DONE] interface comments in snmp-showif

x) [DONE] make snmp-collector stop whinging when it can't contact the host

- have to tell unreachable from a configuration error with an oid that machine doesn't have.

15) [DONE] fix ping thumbnail generation; they're all broken

16) [DONE 19990921] add ftpcount to unix-status-server

5) [DONE] host-specific links

- use tools, no code and can be re-used for things that more than one host has

20) [DONE] fix ps collector unix-status-server of unix-status-collector

21) [DONE] UPS datapage with all current info

8) [DONE] customgraphs (i.e. not groups by host)

- make html-writer and grapher do customgraphs [TODO]

- make graph-writer do customgraphs

23) [DONE 19991103] unix-status-server hangs if any of the external programs hang.

11) [DONE 19991117] make scripts do substitutions. Need it for non-ip web virtual hosts.

17) [DONE 19991117] alert-monitor: it'd be nice to trigger alerts on certain variables changing more than a specified amount, e.g. bgp session count changing at all

12) [PASS 19991117] find some reasonable way to restrict access to alert.cgi's updating functions

- Just use your .htaccess file

18) [DONE] make alerts show up somehow on index pages

- only way with rrdcgi pages would be to store alerts/status in individual files, so that they could be sucked in with <RRDCGI::INCLUDE...>

- just included a link to alert.cgi selecting that host in a status file

22) [DONE 19991117] make web interface for log-event

- add it to the end of showlog.cgi

26) [DONE 19991122] use PNG images. Need to add to read_config and change graph-writer to use configured type.

7) [DONE 19991124] fix alert-monitor to be a status-monitor. I.E. keep all statuses not just non-OK ones. Have to make alert.cgi select non-OK by default.

- [DONE 19991130] alert.cgi doesn't retrieve quench and comments

- [DONE 19991203] 19991202 add has-an-alert status file (containing red star if there is an alert or empty if not, and RRD::INCLUDE it on the index pages. How about another which has a longer message, to RRD::INCLUDE on the main host page. Need to modify alert-monitor and graph-writer.

- [DONE 19991203] 19991026 need reporting program. Point it at an rrd and give it a timespan and it will report on min/avg/max for each (specified) variable with sub (min/avg/max) per day, week, month and year.

- [DONE 19991207] 19991202 Network Solutions broke whois.cgi by completely changing the format of the output. I need a generic whois cgi which will deal with whatever comes back.

- [DONE 19991208] 19991203 topology-change alert, from do-traceroute's data to tell when the route to somewhere has changed (log it too)

- [DONE 19991208] 19991203 need some flag on rrd invocation (within [host]) to tell what the bandwidth is, to set max limits to filter garbage. Should get updated when config is changed. Where?

  • use interface MIB's ifSpeed, now when to update?
  • see snmpif-setspeed, invoked in do-remstats when config changes

34) [DONE 19991209] 19991208 need to be able to probe web-servers via a proxy

- can probably do it with a different script with substitutions in the script.

36) [DONE 19991214] 19991213 need to re-make the docs automatically

24) [DONE 19991216] need selection capability for showlog.cgi. Say, range of dates, select an alert class, host, rrd, variable and regex on message

27) [DONE 19991216] 19991110 add ability to query (in a sane fashion) non interface.* interfaces via snmp. For example, frame-relay has a different MIB, but it still ought to be easy to query a frame-relay interface without having to write a new rrd for each definition.

41) [DONE 20000113] 20000111 alert-monitor isn't triggering any alerts

44) [DONE 20000124] 20000114 [HIGH] make collectors timeout non-responding hosts

- need it in port-collector and unix-status-server

- timeout in Net::Telnet is broken

- try to use IO::Socket's timeout directly

- working timeout in unix-status-server in do_df and in port-collector which are the only ones I've seen problems with.

4) [DONE 20000126] ???????? [LOW] make nograph directive for host sections

46) [DONE 20000128] 20000126 [LOW] how about a plugin-collector?

- supply a program (which will be in INSTALLDIR/plugins)

- pass the program host, realrrd, wildpart, extra-args

- program prints "host varname value", possibly multiple times, (i.e. standard collector format)

- don't even need this if you're willing to insert said script into do-remstats with the standard wrapping, but it makes new collectors possible without editing remstats code.

47) [DONE 20000208] 20000210 [MED] modify all collectors to include a timestamp, so that the update time will be more accurate.

48) [DONE 20000216] 20000211 [HIGH] fix alert-monitor so that it generates alerts, and also so that it keeps correct status.

53) [DONE 20000307] 20000221 [HIGH] need to use the IP number if provided, so that you can query hosts which aren't in DNS.

- done for snmp-collector, port-collector and ping-collector [20000222]

- check unix-status-collector [20000307]

57) [DONE 20000315] 20000314 [MEDIUM] make traceroute.cgi not look up dns names if given an IP number

54) [DONE 20000313] 20000307 [MEDIUM] check that traceroute compiles under linux. Bjoern says it needs (and doesn't have) -lresolv

56) [DONE] 20000307 [LOW] ping-index: background-color is determined at page-creation time, not at run-time. I.E. the color is based on status when the page was generated. It needs to be picked up from a status file generated by ping-monitor.

28) [DONE 20000315] 19991201 [HIGH-HOLD] document everything, especially the configuration process.

- need to find a suitable documentation format. Need to be able to generate plain-text and html output from a single source. (POD)

58) [DONE 20000320] 20000320 [MEDIUM] ps-fetched innd size rrd definition (solaris/sysv and linux/bsd)

55) [DONE 20003024] 20000307 [LOW] switch make-port-hosts use instead of Net::Telnet. This avoids the bug in Net::Telnet and eliminates it as a prerequisite for remstats.

59) [DONE 20000323] 20000215 [HIGH] The whole do-remstats process needs to be configurable without changing the script. Done in run-remstats.

49) [DONE 20000328] 20000215 [HIGH] new do-remstats which runs ping-collector|updater first and stores the results. Then modify all the other collectors to not query a host if it didn't respond to ping. Somebody will probably have some machine they have to monitor that they can't ping, so there should be some way to override this behaviour.

63) [DONE 20000403] 20000330 [HIGH] remove Net::Telnet from remoteping-collector

64) [DONE 20000403] 20000331 [MEDIUM] make new-snmp-hosts collect and use the comment, the way snmp-showif does.

38) [DONE 20000403] ???????? [HIGH] split out the config file into a file per section type, e.g. all the hosts sections in one file... Modify read_config to take a directory name and sections to read. It should speed up some scripts by not having to read the whole config, just those sections pertaining to that script.

82) [DONE 20000418] 20000413 [HIGH] make everything strict for perl 5.6

77) [DONE 20000418] 20000413 [HIGH] Need to mention remstats user in installation docs, and importance of mesh with httpd user.

78) [DONE 20000418] 20000413 [HIGH] Need to show apache "how to run .cgi outside cgi-bin"

85) [DONE 20000420] 20000418 [HIGH] host index link is broken

81) [DONE 20000420] 20000413 [HIGH] better docs on how what level of alerts get set

73) [DONE 20000420] 20000407 [HIGH] alert.cgi shouldn't always call write_alerts, only when necessary.

76) [DONE 20000420] 20000413 [HIGH] traceroute coredumps with -A, sometimes under solaris 2.6 and 2.7

B<74) 20000410 [HIGH] implement host "via" with multiple network devices - [DONE 20000420] now test that it does something usefull.

83) [DONE 20000426] 20000417 [MEDIUM] line-speed distribution on access-server

- cisco-access-server-collector, which currently only supports the ciscolinespeed rrd, should do this.

  • 89) 20000425 a new CGI, say remstatsgraph.cgi which can be invoked as:
    	<IMG SRC="remstatsgraph.cgi?host=xxx&rrd=yyy&graph=zzz&time=aaa">


    	<IMG SRC="remstatsgraph.cgi?customgraph=xxx&time=yyy">
    	This isn't very efficient as the graph has to be re-generated each time the
    	page is fetched, but it allows remstats graphs on otherwise static pages.

    80) [DONE 20000502] 20000413 [MEDIUM] make a new ping-* rrd and modify ping-collector to deal with it for pinging multiple interfaces on a host.

    66) [DONE 20000201] 20000331 [MEDIUM] views. Make new html trees populated by only what you specify. Sample config (old-style):

        [view customer1]
        tools   ping
        text    varname some text here
        oid     varname someoid

    and either

        template customer

    or lines specifying the desired graphs, like:

        graph snmpif-se0 graphname
        customgraph graphname

    33) [DONE 20000502] 19991206 [LOW] need to store graph config differently so that graphs of the same name in different rrd's don't conflict. This will also require renaming the graph image files to avoid over-writing.

    90) [DONE 20000502] 20000428 [LOW] stale lockfiles collector. Similar to the log-collector. You provide a list of lock-files and how old they're allowed to be, and the lockfile-collector notes what happened. Generalize to have it simply return file ages for listed files, and use the usual alert mechanism to decide what's a problem. Add it as a piece of the unix-status-collector, but it doesn't need to run an external program.

    79) [DONE ????????] 20000413 [MEDIUM] consider alerts possible when a condition returns to normal from an elevated level.

    61 [DONE 20000516] 20000328) [LOW] new portinfo-collector. Sort of like the port-collector, possibly replacing it. Sends a parameter-substituted script (like port-collector), and picks out information via regex's (like log-collector).

    - done using the infopattern and valuepattern in a script associated with a port-collector RRd.

    B<91) [DONE 20000518] 20000518 [HIGH] form-based input for ping.cgi and traceroute.cgi and whois.cgi when invoked without a query-string.

    71) [DONE 20000524] 20000407 [MEDIUM] alert-email needs host and rrd descriptions to add to output.

    B<72) [DONE 20000524] 20000407 [MEDIUM] add host and rrd descriptions to the list of things that do_subs does

    93) [DONE 20000529] 20000525 [MEDIUM] template facility for alert-email. Two kinds. One for differing templates depending on adressee, so that pager-like things can be given a shorter message. The other is for rrd-specific templates, so that the message can actually mean something to people who don't know anything about remstats.

    88) 20000420 [MEDIUM] indextype (flow|rrdrow) to allow all the graphs from an rrd to show in one row of a table. This way all the graphs from an interface line up with the same graph on the next interface on this host. As a crude half-measure on the way to views.

    - views weren't that difficult. I don't think that this is necessary?

    95) [DONE 20000613] 20000613 [HIGH] showlog.cgi doesn't do time-spans anymore

    96) [DONE 20000613] 20000613 [HIGH] add previous/next day/week/month buttons to log selection.

    105) [DONE 20001018] 20000921 [HIGH] need ping-collector to add hosts with no ping rrd to the list of uphosts, when running in pre-collector mode, so they don't get skipped.

    104) [DONE 20001018] 20000921 [HIGH] need to be able to note host status by other than ping status. Use a line like:

    	status STATUS-port-ssh

    to pull the status from the SSH reachability, instead of ping.

    67) 20000405 [MEDIUM] host link, for host-specific info

    - cancelled in favour of 102

    84) 20000417 [LOW] No way to order the hosts on the index pages, except re-ordering the actual directory entries.

    - Now at least the entries are sorted (by char-set) [DONE 20000418]

    - I think this is the right thing to do, and I'm going to leave it sorted by host-name, within group.

    101) [DONE 20001206] 20000707 [HIGH] re-write alert-email as a perl script to compare time and make it more flexible.

    - added new script alerter which determines the real destination address and calls appropriate tiny scripts to deliver individual alerts.

    100) [DONE] 20000627 [MEDIUM] traceroute will core if you use the -A flag for routes which aren't in the routing arbiter database. (Thanks Steve.) Need to fix this. Isn't this fixed?

    35) [DONE 20001206] 19991209 [MEDIUM] need availability report for interfaces, systems, ports at least, showing % availibility over a user-specified time-span, with sub-intervals within that. Sounds like a lot of code from rrd-report could be used; maybe make it an option for rrd-report.

    - or could dump to a form usable as import to an SQL database and use some-one else's report generator.

    ??)) [DONE] need a configure which at least looks like an autoconf configure A simple one would just create fixup.config, using as a default.

    - done quite a while ago.

    117) [DONE 20010102] 20001229 [HIGH] add "I changed the graph description in the rrd but nothing happened" to the FAQ.

    113) [DONE 20010102] 20001212 [HIGH] host templates. So you can configure similar hosts with desc xxx template yyy

    Implementation is simple. Reserve UPPERCASE hostnames for templates, and read them in with the read_config_hosts routine. It needs to be modified to store the templates in $main::config{HOSTTEMPLATE}... instead of $main::config{HOST}... so that this won't break everything that relies on getting a list of hosts by keys %{$main::config{HOSTS}}. Then, when a host refers to a template, copy the keys from the template hash.

    119) [DONE 20010131] 20010130 [HIGH] - host status pages showing current values of everything: rrd/variables and status files. Implement by datapage.cgi pages automatically generated. Include indices, tools and status_header in the page.

    118) [DONE 20010227] 20010124 [LOW] - to run out of cron infrequently to prune old log-files and junk in the tmp directory

    68) [DONE 20010227] 20000406 [MEDIUM] write new-unix-status-host. It requires that the host already be running the unix-status-server. It will parse the output of the unix-status-collector after requesting everything.

    123) [DONE] 20010409 [HIGH] - make snmp-collector give priority to unix-status-collector's hardware and software collection.

    124 DONE 20010528 20010525 [HIGH] - make new-config create the _remstats_ pseudo-host, including making a group for it in groups.

    125 20010525 [HIGH] - add to unix-status-server netstat functionality the ability to show counts of processes in various TCP states.

    120 [DONE 20010608] 20010202 [MED] - collect inventory from NT machines at least, consider unix boxen too. Start by looking at the raw output of the collectors.

    114) [DONE 20010608] 20001214 [HIGH] - make snmp-collector and whatever else needs it produce/accept oidnames in mixed case, like they must be specified in the "oid" lines.

    108) [DONE before 20010608] 20001211 [MED] need "noavailability" spec for host definition to drop availability calculation for hosts which lack something which should usually have availability calculated.

    126 [DONE 20010628] 200106022 [HIGH] - different coloured alert links on quick index

    116 [DONE 20010628] 20001229 [HIGH] - describe documentation conventions. Some people don't read manualese. E.G. for [bracketed] stuff being optional.

    129 [DONE 20010823] 20010823 [HIGH] - add command to which pulls the alert status of a specified (host,rrd,variable). This will permit making different formats of display of statuses, e.g. by host, by rrd, for a single host, for a group, for all of them... The only thing it doesn't get us is the addition of statuses to the host indices. This would require 130.

    136 [DONE 20011015] 20010927 [MED] - <VIEW::GRAPH...> of rrds with characters which are invalid in a filename are inaccessible. For example, df-/home.

    140 [DONE pre-20011122] 20011012 [MED] - allow specification of alert levels on the host so different hosts can have different levels.

    148 [DONE pre-20010107] 20011220 [HIGH] - ping.cgi "Do that one again" link is broken.

    145 [DONE 20020107] 20011220 [HIGH] - remove un-configurable links (i.e. home, top, remstats and rrdtool) and make all links configurable. Of course, the default configuration will include them.

    151 [DONE 20020109] 20020109 [HIGH] - make run-remstats use make_lockfile

    149 [DONE 20020110] 20011221 [HIGH] - update unix-status-server.pod to include docs on new linux /proc sections.

    153 [DONE 20020117] 20020111 [HIGH] - ntop-collector to collect protocol distributions via ntop.

    152 [DONE 20020121] 20020110 [HIGH] - extension to graph.cgi to allow specification of non-standard graph times and sizes. So that with the correct wrapper, one could, e.g., make a graph that could be clicked on either end to scroll in either direction, or the top and bottom to zoom in and out, or somewhere else to increase or decrease the size.

    155 [DONE 20020125] 20020122 [MEDIUM] - make recently-booted image have an ALT attribute which contains the last boot time, via <RRD::INCLUDE>

    154 [DONE 20020131] 20020118 [HIGH] - make CGIDIR and CGIURL fixup variables and implement it so that the static CGI scripts can live somewhere else.

    144 [DONE 20020201] 20011220 [HIGH] - make page-writer, a more flexible replacement for graph-writer based on and replacing view-writer. Ideally, all pages will be created from configuration-supplied templates.

    156 20020123 [MEDIUM] - add to rrdcgi a

    	<RRD::FETCHDS rrdfile cf var [time [defaultvalue]]>

    tag. Should be easy and would be very usefull, to avoid having to either code some pages as datapages or invoke a CGI for each value.

    98) [DONE 20020201] 20000619 [MEDIUM] add group index files and store hosts under group directories. For easier application of access-controls. (for Florian)

    - See 144 - page-writer for a more flexible solution

    161 [DONE 20020208] 20020208 [HIGH,BUG] - fix get_rrd extra

    158 [DONE 20020213] 20020201 [HIGH] - keys for rrds. Page-writer can use them to do things for set of RRDs at the least.

    167 [DONE 20020430] 20020422 [HIGH,BUG] - new-unix-hosts doesn't deal with wild rrds

    169 [DONE 20020510] 20020508 [HIGH] - add dbi-collector note to configfile-rrds

    14 [DONE before 20020510] ???????? [LOW,NEEDS:2,HOLD] make rrd structural changes in config file get applied to the rrds.

    - some taken care of with snmpif-setspeed, but need a more general solution

    - look at new XML output of rrddump

    - [DONE before 20020510] implemented in remstats-rrdtune.

    163 [DONE before 20020510] 20020408 [HIGH] - update prerequisites. Include DBI.

    166 [DONE 20020510] 20020409 [HIGH] - remove alerter's dependancy on Sys::Hostname

    132 [DONE before 20020510] 20010824 [HIGH,BUG] - get rid of the spikes in uptime from the unix-status-server

    - [DONE] fixed in unix-status-server. I think I've finally got uptime parsed correctly.

    160 [DONE 20020517] 20020208 [MEDIUM] - Add to rrd definitions, information to be written to status files, using similar methodology to that used for specifying the DSs themselves (steal from And modify the collectors and rrd definitions to use this instead of the ad-hoc writing of status files by collectors. The directive would look something like:

    	currentvalue statusfilename collectorvarname

    or maybe:

    	currentvalue statusfilename &function(collectorvarname)

    - 20020515 - implemented config parseing part in, and re-named the directive to avoid confusion with the hosts statusfile directive.

    139 [DONE before 20020517] 20011010 [MEDIUM] - cleanup needs to do log-files too. It isn't if it's intended to.

    107) [DONE 20020517] 20000922 [MEDIUM] extra status header lines for hosts, from specified STATUS files creaded by the various collectors. Add lines to host definition like:


    - DONE 20020517 - implemented as headerline directive in host config-files.

    60) 20000328 [MEDIUM,HOLD] replace route-collector with something which scales. SNMPwalking bgp4PathAttrBest doesn't scale to large Internet routers with 400 peers, taking over an hour to complete. (see also 61)

    - look at a script to follow the output of zebra. That's a lot of overhead though. Easy if zebra is solid.

    - How difficult can it be to make a native BGP listener? I'm not clear on the protocol, but it doesn't look too bad.

    - [HOLD] As I don't need it, and have no access to anything which does.

    42) 20000114 [MEDIUM,HOLD] snmp-collector mod to allow summary data collected from a walk and then filtered as a single data-point. E.G. specify a rrd "oid" like:

    	walk    count ifOperStatus = 1

    would produce a count of the number of interfaces on that device that were active (i.e. had a live device plugged into them). Or a similar one would let you count BGP routes, or arp addresses, ...

    - Unfortunately, from experience with the snmp-route-collector, this is going to be slow for anything with a large number of items.

    - [HOLD] Until I think of something to use it for.

    43) 20000114 [CLOSED] parallelizing the collectors, at least on a group basis, preferably host or group.

    - collectors must accept -G and -H flags to request processing of the specified group or host, respectively. Run-remstats needs to fork extra processes according to a config-file line, "parallel group" or "parallel host".

    - 20010831 TEE - implemented -H flags for all collectors except for the remoteping-collector, which I'm not using anyway right now.

    - See 159. Implemented as run-remstats2.

    142 20011109 [CLOSED] - sar loader. Lightly munges the output of "sar -h" (on linux) which looks very similar to remstats collector format.

    - [CLOSED] replaced by 172 XXX

    170 [DONE 20020517] 20020510 [HIGH] - fix dataimage.cgi to write temp files under ~/tmp/dataimage, to make it more sucure. Remember to make the new directory and make it group webgroup, setgid webgroup, probably in check-config.

    172 [DONE 20020521] 20020510 [HIGH] - add sar section to unix-status-collector. It will rely on sa1 being set up to collect info every 5 minutes, like remstats, and will permit access to any of the info collected by sadc. This isn't as simple as it ought to be, as different sars do not implement the same options.

    169 [DONE 20020528] 20020422 [MEDIUM] - remove ntop-collector's dependance on LWP which is more stuff than I want to pull in.

    177 [DONE 20020527] 20020521 [HIGH,BUG] - alert-flags are set incorrectly. E.G. if a host has two alerts, one ERROR and one CRITICAL, the flag may be set in yellow, indicating an ERROR level.

    - [DONE 20020527] actually a bug in, now corrected.

    176 [DONE 20020527] 20020524 [HIGH,BUG] - alerts don't go away. They need to be expired properly. Probably I'll end up re-writing the wretched alert-monitor.

    - [DONE 20020527] Fixed, without re-write :-)

    175 [DONE 20020528] 20020524 [HIGH,BUG] - The QMAIL-QSTAT section of unix-status-server can have problems with a very, large queue. This isn't actually its fault; it's a bug in qmail-qstat. With a very large queue, you will get the error:

    	/var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat: /usr/bin/find: Argument list too long

    To avoid this, unix-status-server needs to simulate qmail-qstat, or replace it.

    - implemented as QMAILQSTAT2 section

    174 [DONE 20020528] 20020524 [HIGH,BUG] - macinfo.cgi URLs for hosts are broken. Need to use absolute URLs.

    178 [DONE 20020606] 20020606 [HIGH] - add magic cookie for host's data directory. Say HOSTDATADIR. This will make it easier to add extra files, which get <RRD::INCLUDE>ed into pages, without having to hard-code the complete path yourself.

    122 [DONE 20020610] 20010330 [HIGH] - rrd prog-* which tells if a particular named process is running, using the ps section of the unix-status-collector.

    - see the rrd procname-*, and make it work

    173 [DONE 20020611] 20020521 [HIGH] - improve graph.cgi to allow zooming in/out (time scale), panning (time scale) and re-sizing. Then add links to this everywhere to allow data browsing.

    62) [DONE before 20020611] 20000329 [LOW] make different markers for different levels of alert on quick-index.

    97) [DONE 20020611] 20000616 [LOW] make port-collector or check-config complain about having a script with ok/warn/error/critical patterns but no send string. The port-collector will ignore patterns unless there is a send string.

    179 [DONE 20020612] 20020611 [HIGH] - rt-update updates a temporary RRD file "frequently", say every 5 seconds. Rt-update will be given (host,rrd), an update interval, and how long to store the data for (for an RRA). It will be started in the background and run until the RRA is full and then exit, or possibly until stopped. It will use the RRD definition to determine the correct collector to run to collect the data; the step will be overridden by the command-line specified update interval. It will write an rrdcgi page which will show the info, optionally with form variables supplying the various parts which might be overridden (start, end, height, width). It should run the collector a (configurable) number of times first, to confirm that it can get updates at the frequency requested.

    159 [DONE 20020613] 20020208 [HIGH] - Re-write run-remstats. Add a new config sub-directory run-stages, containing files named for the stage of run-remstats. Run-remstats will be controlled by a new config-file called run. The run file lists, in order the run-stages that run-remstats will progress through. At each stage, it will read the file from run-stages named for that stage.

    There might be multiple ping collectors, say one for production hosts, with async=no and another for less important hosts which are only pinged, with async=yes. Or, there might be separate snmp collectors for large routers or switches so that they can be done in parallel with all the other snmp queries. Or multiple collector instances could use the -G, -H and -T flags to make the collection more parallel by hosts, groups or tags.

    Each line will have several parts, at least:

    • name: The name is used to pass to updater for collectors, and for file-names. The instancename is used for file-names This is to deal with the need to run multiple instances of the same collector.
    • asynch flag: whether or not to wait for this one to finish before going on the the next stage. Any anync processes will be waited for at the end of run-remstats.
    • frequency: how often to run this command, so that some things can be done more frequently.
    • command-line: what to run for this process. Doesn't include I/O redirection as run-remstats2 will manage that.

    Need to keep track of last-run time for each instance, to make frequency work. Probably, make a subdir ~/tmp/run-stages to store them.

    [This is a major re-working of run-remstats to make the collection process very configurable, similar to what page-writer gained for page generation, but more work.]

    - 20020517 - mostly done, needs testing

    182) [DONE 20020618] 20020617 [HIGH] - VAR::WILD and VAR::FIXED::WILD tag in page-writer

    - Needed to fix 181.

    181) [DONE 20020618] 20020617 [HIGH,BUG] - "browse this graph" link broken for wildcard RRDs. The graph-name needs to be the wild version, e.g. df-*

    - DONE 20020618 - via 182

    184) [DONE 20020621] 20020620 [HIGH] - access-control and config-file for CGIs. There are getting to be too many, with more access to things that outsiders shouldn't have access to.

    183) [DONE 20020621] 20020617 [HIGH] - cleanup needs to do $HTMLDIR/GRAPHS/TMP as well. Or they'll just increase without limit.

    186) [DONE 20020627] 20020626 [LOW] - make an "again" button for ping.cgi

    189) [DONE 20020711] 20020710 [HIGH,BUG] - run-remstats2 is not removing temp files. Maybe not reporting non-empty ones.

    192) [DONE 20020722] 20020721 [HIGH] - note that cgi access is controlled by the access config-file

    198 [DONE 20020814] 20020813 [HIGH,BUG] - remstats server timestamps are broken. They all depend on the time on servers and collectors being in sync. When they're not, the timestamps provided by the servers cause stale times and timewarps. The best fix may be to have the collector apply its own timestamps when it receives the data.

    196 [DONE 20020814] 20020812 [HIGH] - add troubleshooting section to docs Tell them to run check-config. Also note using run-remstats2 interactively with the -d 1 flag. And collectors with -d 1. And looking at collector output.

    195 [DONE <20020814] 20020726 [HIGH,BUG] - program-collector can't find

    197 [DONE 20020814] 20020812 [HIGH,BUG] - cleanup stops in glob [Reported by Ecaroh]

    - don't use glob; that's why I wrote list_files

    194 [DONE 20020814] 20020726 [HIGH,BUG] - podhtml gets error at 140 for snmp-showif.pod

    - it was an error in a pod file's invocation of =exec

    190 [DONE 20020814] 20020712 [HIGH] - make configure look for required perl modules and optional ones too, and modify the makefile to not stop for errors on optional stuff.

    - Now it will note which programs use missing modules and not try to check them, since they're bound to fail.

    115) [DONE <20020816] 20001229 [HIGH] - need docs on errors. Specifically, when run-remstats kills a collector for taking too long. And where to find the output of the killed collector.

    - DONE <20020816 - see troubleshooting

    199 [DONE 20020819] 20020819 [HIGH] - add :port to snmp rrds for Ecaroh.

    205 [DONE 20030313] 200302?? [HIGH] - uptimeflag has HTML in ALT tag.

    201 20020820 [HIGH,BUG] - check_collect_time in is broken. It's causing all collectors to skip about half their updates. This is double-plus-ungood, and MUST be fixed.

    - [DONE 200302??] - server time sync problem. Now collector does crude time-sync

    209 [DONE 20030508] 20030508 [HIGH] - make start for rrds be modulo step to attempt to increase precision

    [Top] [Remstats] [SourceWorks] [RRDtool] [SourceForge]
    Last updated Fri May 30 13:50:52 PDT 2003 by <>.