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genmenu - generate a collapsing menu


genmenu version 1.7 from remstats 1.0.13a
usage: ../genmenu [options] pagename menufile
where options are:
	-d	enable debugging output
	-h	show this help


genmenu reads the menu description file and generates a vertical menu-bar, collapsed according to which pagename you gave it. This requires all the documentation to be rebuilt whenever you change the menu definition, but avoids having to use JavaScript.

I couldn't find a simple stand-alone program that did this, so here you are. It doesn't require remstats.

The Menu Definition File

The file has a simple format. Blank lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored. The other lines look like:

	[tabs]pagename [page title]

The number of tabs shows the level of sub-menus, making the definition file easy to grasp at a glance. Note that the tabs are actual tab characters. The page title (optional) is what shows up in the menu, while the pagename is used to make the URL to link to. If the page name is xyz, then a link to xyz.html is produced. If the page title is missing, then the pagename is used instead.

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Last updated Fri May 30 13:50:54 PDT 2003 by <>.